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Toy Planes

Dialogue Joanie: You grew these at college when you went to the states. You sure you want me to do this? You grew these at college when you went to the states. You sure you want me to do this? Dialogue Ray: I was starting to lose my accent—I didn't want to forget where I came from. I was starting to lose my accent— I didn't want to forget where I came from.
page01__panel02—01 Then you really sure about this? page01__panel02—02 The companies sponsoring the rocket plane want them cut. They say it would be a disaster for a helmet to not seal properly.
page01__panel03—01 Explosive decompression is not something a soda company wants their customers associating with their brand.
page01__panel04—01 **tt** Ras. How come you ain't insulted they don't think you smart enough to know what you doin'?
page01__panel05—01 But we need their money, sis. So let's just do it.